Infuriating Wheelchair Ramps 2

Hey readers, we’re back! In the last blog, we were just getting started. Be prepared for more silly and infuriating wheelchair ramps. Of course, wheelchair ramps are great, they allow the disabled to access shops, buildings or houses as well as go upstairs or over thresholds. But some people design disability ramps that just don’t work! Here are a few more infuriating wheelchair ramps.
First up, probably the world’s worst wheelchair ramp. Look at how ridiculously steep it is, even with someone assisting you it would probably be impossible to get up here, not to mention there’s a small muddy dip at the bottom of the ramp!
You might think, yes this ramp is pretty steep but it is pretty wide and looks like it has very good grip. True, but the next set of steps on the left doesn’t have a ramp, meaning if you live up there u can only half get to your home.
Going to the park and getting some fresh air is great. Unfortunately, you come across this ramp, time to find another park.
This ramp is pretty steep to try and get up yourself let alone someone assisting you, that’s why the person at the bottom is actually hired and comes with the ramp to try and help you.
This ramp is so ridiculously steep it looks like it could just be a wall which is part of the building’s architecture.
Perfectly fine ramp. There’s a massive ICE machine in the way of the shop though, looks like it will be a tight squeeze to get through there.
We have actually recorded how long it takes to get up this wheelchair ramp. 9 hours 56 minutes.
Yet again another stupidly designed ramp with a step at one end.
This evil lamp post means you have to take a sharp turn as soon as you get up this ramp to go around it. Surely the lamp post could’ve been better positioned.
If you need to use this wheelchair ramp, you’re going to have to go pretty far in the room, turn around, close the door and turn back onto the ramp. Forget about closing the door!